The Daily Iberian from New Iberia, Louisiana (2024)

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Saturday May 24 1958 The Daily Iberian New Iberia Louisiana Page Five Royal Grandchildren's 'Ma Kelly By LSU Prof That's What Caroline and Albert Call Mrs John Kelly Who Regards Them Just Like Her Seven Others Over Here By DOUGLAS LARSEN NiiA Staff Correspondent PHILADELPHIA (N A Changing the diaper on a lusty tyke with regal title of Prince Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre is nm a whit mere soul stirring to a grandmother than hooking the dry colons to plainhandled Chris or That's how all of the gri John Kelly mother of dren address her and she wants and is going Pi'lncess Grace of Monaco and to make sure that the Monaco con-tkus grandmother of two tingent does the same royal offspring is probably the Speaking of Caroline Mrs orIy American woman who speaks Kelly enthuses: auilnrilatively on this point "She has beautiful eyes a ready When the male heir to the smile and a very pleasant per-throne of Monaco was born March sonality She loves flowers and taking why her daughter Grace 34 he became the ninth spends a lot of time picking them knocked the eyeballs out of Hoi-grandchild and the second male and offering them to anyone close lywood so fast and effectively of the group Beating the stork by to as grand mothers will do Mrs Speaking of the new Prince she But Ma Kelly general un- Kelly was on hand to do whatever says "he7s just a great big neal- grandmotherly appearance does she could which turned out to thy lovely looking not keep her from speaking posi- be plenty She changed diapers And proving her contention tively about what she considers comforted directed advised and about being an Impartial grand- should be the by-laws of the sorer jolcd as the demand arose mother she adds: ority On a grandmother duties But back home from the "Take Meg who's 12 and the she says: experience now convinced of at daughter of my oldest girl Mrs "Grandmothers should give help least one grandmotherly fact of George Davis Jr an ex- and advice when asked I sup-life: Irovert and an absolutely wonder- pose however if you see some- "I feel exactly about my grand- ful figure skater Her sister Mary thing going very wrong a grandchildren over there as I feel Lee Is more retiring but has a mother should speak up But that has never happened to On grandmotherly discipline sbe says: love them all I never think that one's a prince vivacious Busan two who is going president Gayle Perrin and Lucres Saunier newly elected and Installed president Miss Goldie Boudreaux Ith grade science medal winner Delcambre is pictured et center with the two science club presidents out Forecast Prices Paid To Farmers Will Decline Again services involved in production-including interest taxes and wage reached a new record high in mid-April prices of farm products rose more than enough to offset this increase But this rosy picture will fade somewhat according to the economists as supplies Increase seasonally thereby lowering farm prices The economists saw no change in farm costs In April the index of prices paid by farmers for goods and services used in production was 4 per cent higher than a year earlier The department noted that the April parity ratio the relation of prices received by farmers to prices paid by was 87 a year ago it was 82 The Increase stems from the fact that the index of prices received increased more than the Index of prices paid The index of prices received by farmers was 10 per cent above the April 1957 level but 2 per cent below the 1947-49 average and 15 per cent below the all-time high reached in February 1951 The five principal folksong traditions from colorful past are brought to life by an LSU professor in a new recording Louisiana Folksong Jambalaya Just published by the Louisiana 'olklore Society The songs representing the Cajun Old French Negro Negro-French and Anglo-Saxon elements in the cultural were compiled by Dr Harry Osier assistant professor of English at LSU who has specialized in the etudy of folk music particularly that of Louisiana The professor spent nearly two years collecting the songs which he sings on the new record He accompanies himself on the guitar "Folksong represents a continuing project of the Louisiana Folklore Society to issue books and records documenting the rich Louisiana past Dr Os ter said Last spring the Society issued its first recording also an-album of Louisiana folk music Sampler of Louisiana collected by Dr Oster and aung by traditional performers and singers DRAWN from every corner of the state the 18 songs in the new album cover a good bit of ground from one of the oldest ballads in the English language (dating back at least 400 years) to a catchy tune derived from a voodoo dance banned by state authorities in 1843 as too "disturbingly Although ancient traditions still exist side by side with twentieth century industrialism in many parts of Louisiana today there Is a movement toward disuse of the French language which is also apparent in current Cajun folk music Many of the older Cajun people have extensive repertoires of ancient folksongs songs which survived movement from France to Canada in the 17th century then survive exile of the Acadians from Canada to Louisiana in the 18th century For the most part however children of the Cajuns today sing what Dr Oster terms folksongs some of them composed in Cajun dialect within the last two generations with their style and subject matter showing the influence of Southern mountain folk music or commercial country western music DR OSTER sings several of the older traditional Cajun folksongs in his recording On? of these is "Allons danser derived from a voodoo dance brought to Louisians by Negro slaves from San Domingo and the Antilles Although banned by state authorities the dance continued to flourish but today it has no traces of the primitive Negro elements Four songs of Louisiana's Old French folk tradition are included in the album Uo until the recent past the descendants of the early French settlers remained dominantly French in speech dress and custom and many of the early folksongs brought here with the first settlers from France have survived to the present day echoing the France of the 17th century One of the most familiar of these Old French folksongs is "Jamais je Will I Forget the story of a young man who quarreltoi with his sweetheart because he had refused her a bouquet of roses Called "A La Claire in its more familiar Canadian form this song has numerous variants THE SEVEN Negro folksongs on the recording not onlv include the great epic ballad "John but also "The Pace of the Natchez and the Robert and several other colorful songs sung by the Negro roustabouts who worked on the old passenger and freight packets Dr Oster puts a comic touch to his Negro folksong collection in Boll which presents a dialogue between the voracious boll weevil and a poor Negro farmer who wise is left by the weevil with "lest one ole cotton dress full of Unlike most of the slaves In America many Louisiana Negroes became Catholics adopting the re ligion of their French masters Using an African approach to the French language the Negroles in stinctively shortened words seemed to have too many syllables and changed vowel sounds which GLAMOROUS CONDITIONED WASHINGTON The Agriculture Department said Sunday night prices farmers receive for their products will drop somewhat during the next few months while the cost of things they must buy probably will remain high The forecast was made by economists in the publication "The Farm Cost The department noted the cost-price squeeze on farmers has eased somewhat since last Spring Even though the cost of goods and Irate Student Fires Shot At His Teacher NEW ORLEANS UP Calvin Smith was grading papers and his 30 pupils were working quietly on tneir lessons Tuesday when there was a loud report "Who threw that Smith demanded "That was no firecracker one student replied "That was a bullet and it was aimed at Smith turned and found a bullet hole in the wall The shot had barely missed his head A girl seated near the door then related that she saw one of former students aim the gun and fire then flee down the hallway with a companion Juvenile authorities who withheld the 15-year-old identity issued an order for his arrest "Why he should shoot at me I do not said Smith "1 1 flunked him out but ao did the other were unfamiliar The result was a musical patois much like the Negro French or Haiti Dr Oster sings "Fomme la dit mo Woman Says as an example of this type of song LOUISIANA also has its share of Anglo Saxon folksongs Americans who had Inherited the traditions of the British Isles settled on the east bank of the Mississippi river north of New Orleans between 1763 and 1779 when that are (then called West Florida) still belonged to Great Britain Later many inhabitants of the other southern states settled in northern Louisiana bringing with them Anglo Saxon traditions and some of the native folk music of the southern mountains One of the oldest ballads in the English language appears in the Anglo Saxon portion of Dr recording "The Cambric in which a clever girl uses her share wits to win a man Her man tells her he will love her if she performs a series of difficult tasks but she gets in the last word by countering with a set of even more difficult tasks for him Dr Oster also sings "Choose Your Love as We Go a song Such songs developed in strictly Protestant communities where dancing was considered sinful and the fiddle was generally regarded as an instrument of Satan However frontier youngsters wanted to dance so they ingeniously devised the in which they a game and slyly provided music by singing and clapping their hands The folksong recording Is avail- able at the Ogden Campus record shops end Profanity On Boat Radio Brings Fine TAMPA Fla (UP) Shrimp fishermen Melvin Coyle Rudolph Rutncr and Adolphus Dozier were fined $300 each in Federal District Court Wednesday for using profanity on their radio JOSEPH VALENTI will receive a certificate of graduation from the Fourth "Louisiana correspondence course for service officers of the American Legion at the State convention which will be held in Alexandria one and a half years old (Photo from Look Magazine) MRS JOHN KELLY: grandma doesn't sit around "When I'm in my daughters' or eon's houses the bosses of the grandchildren and I keep my mouth shut But believe me when under my roof which they ere frequently I'm the boss They go to bed when I tell them to nd behave according to my rules And when children visit me it will be exactly the same way They all understand tills and accept On the modern grandmother Mrs Kelly says: grandmother sit around and twiddle her thumbs just being a static grandmother out doing things and continuing to live her own life what she should In this regard Mrs Kelly faithfully follows her own dictum She and her husband have an active social life They see a lot of their children soon going to visit Grace again And extremely active in behalf of the Women's Medical College of Philadelphia the only medical college in the exclusively for women Before her marriage to the dynamic John Kelly the wealthy Philadelphia contractor Hri Kelly was the first woman to teach physical education at the University of Pennyilvania She also taught at the Medical College Cormier Mrs Larry Lampo Dr and Mrs Norbert Perret Mrs Elaine Buford and daughters Mrs Mabel Chaney and Laurel Patout Alien Gary who has been with the Marine Corps at Cherry Point has returned to his home after being discharged He is tiie son of Mr and Mrs Gary of Grand Marais Mrs Alice Dolan has returned from a visit at Ann Arbour Michigan with her son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Lionel Wolford and her son and daughter-in-law Major and Mrs Phillip Dolan at Arlington Va and Miss Leonce Dolan at Chicago 111 Leslie Landry has returned home from the Veterans hospital at Alexandria Miss Sadie Goudeau executive secretary of the Jeanerette Chamber of Commerce attended a credit bureau meeting at Alexandria May 18-19 Mrs Mena Decoux and granddaughter Miss Sadie Marie Vinson of New Orleans are visiting relatives here for several days Mrs Decoux expects to attend the wedding of her grandson in New York in June Mrs Bernard LeBIanc and daughter Miss Fay LeBIanc spent Tuesday visiting friends in Houma La Mr and Mrs Harry Charpentier and family of Orange Texas attended the funeral of his mother at Charenton on Monday FLORIDA'S 00 AIR MRS KELLY'S GRANDCHILDREN: la this first informal photo Monaco's royal family rrtaceee Grace holds Prince Weeks Brevities MR and Mrs John Jolet of Franklin spent the weekend here with their parents Mr and Mrs Emmett Jolet end Kathy and Mr and Mrs A Morris and Marian MR and Mrs Lawrence Guidry and children Larry Laura and Susan of New Orleans spent the weekend here with his parents Mr and Mrs Pascal Guidry MR and Mrs Leones Louviere and daiuhter Rita spent the weekend In New Iberia as guests of Mr and Mrs Nelson Deroucber and family MR and Mrs Jerry Cavalier an! daughter Jackie of New Orleans spent the weekend here with her mother Mrs Lconce Brwu- sard Sr ami her son Malcolm Adams MR Jordon and Mr Broussard Jr have returned home after making a business trip to Chicago Illinois this week MR and Mrs Gilman Richard and von Richy of New Iberia anent the weekend here with their parents Mr and Mrs Nit Richard and Mr and Mrs Derise and son Bobby MISS Mary Ellen Landry of New Iberia spent the weekend hrre with her parents Mr and Mrs Euzebe Landry and family MR and Mrs Albert Eskind and son Jerome visited with Mr and Mrs Jessie Babineaux and daughters Jessica and Cynthia in New Iberia on Sunday SUNDAY guests of Mr and Mrs Irving Sigur and daughter Esther were Mrs Albert Kern Mr and Mrs Frank Curtis and children eirj Mr and Mrs Clarence Beard and children all of Jeanerette MR and MrsThomas Medver Sr spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Donald Bonin and Mr and Mrs Frank Shclier and daugh TWO SISTERS SHOPPE 113 Iberia St Lovely Gift Items For The Young Graduate! G-E's BIGGEST VALUE OF1958-YOU SAVE DIAL DEFROST REFRIGERATOR gelina and Mr and Mrs Broui Louis jsssrd A-2C RONALD Guldroz of Air Force who was formerly stationed on Guam has arrived to spend a months leave with his parents Mr and Mrs Leo Gui-drox end family Upon leaving here he will report for duty at Panama City Florida MR and Mrs Isaac Eskind and daughter Mary Lynn and Mr and Mrs Kaymond Eskind and daughters Kay Ann Christine and Martha Lou visited with Mr and Mrs Aitatole Porrier in St Martin ville and Mr and Mrs Fernest Porrier in New Iberia on Sunday MR and Mrs Raymond Eskind and daughters visited with Mrs Emile Migues in Baldwin on Monday eanerette Personals Mr and Mrs Sam Sherville and children Patricia and Michael left for their home Wednesday morning after spending the week with his parents Mr and Mrs Orange Sherville and family Misses Lucie and Gladys Le-Juene spent the weekend with their sister Mrs Hilda Foley who was on the sick list Among those attending the Grand Coteau's Day celebration were Mr and Mrs NOW! ENJOY THE FLORIDA VACATION YOUVK WANTED 9UT COULDN'T AFFORD SPECIALS Spring Summer 38c at Pool With MAGNETIC SAFETY DOOR Albert who wears traditional baptismal dress while Prince Kanier has a steadying hand on Princess Caroline now nearing ter Anita in Baton Rouge MR and Mrs Sidney re you of New Iberia tnd Mr and Mrs George Landry of Jeanerette visited with Mrs Ernest Fourquier anti Mrs Clara Hebert Mrs Lu-cien Hebert Mrs Waller Hebert and Mr and Mrs Ernest Freyou this week MR and Mrs Tommy Medver Jr spent Sunday with her sister and brother in law Mr and Mrs Arthur Andew and son Artie MISS Janice Hebert visited with Mr und Mrs Peltier and family in Franklin over the weekend MR and Mrs Ernest Fouquler visited with their son anti family Mr and Mrs Fourquier and children in New Iberia on Wednesday MR and Mrs DeU Bergeron Jr and sons Brad and Andrew visited in Baton Rouge on Tuesday MR and Mrs Bob Ray Broussard and daughter Ruthaine anti Angelina visited with her parents Mr land Mrs Lesson Breaux In New Iberia on Sunday morning MR and Mrs Lasseigne along with Mr and Mrs Lester Lasseigne and son Tras of Lydia visited with Mr and Mrs Lconce Gros in Marrero and Mrs Msdio Groa and Mrs Marie Gros in Gretna over the weekend MRS Amy Blanchard of Franklin spent a few days here this week visiting with her brothers and sisters in law Mr and Mrs Milton Jolet and Mr 'and Mrs Wilbur Jolet FRIENDS of Wendy Lopez daughter of Mr and Mrs Oza Lopez will be glad to know that she is doing nicely after undergoing a tonsileotomy in an Abbeville hospital on Monday VISITING with Mrs Joseph Broussard and family in New Iberia on Sunday were Mr and Mrs John Broussard and son Lynn Micheal Lasseigne Gene Hebert Mr and Mrs Boy Ray Broussard land daughters Ruthaine and An Alfred Granger Sons LOREAUVILLE Dial EM 4-1234 SARASOTA FLORIDA 7 WONDERFUL DAYS 6 ROMANTIC NIGHTS BIG 11 CU FT FULL WIDTH FREEZER Interior Lite Temperature Control Removable and Adjustable Door Shelves SPECIAL Son Enc Dial EM 4-7216 WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN ALUMINUM AWNINGS have K-V Aluminum Awnings for vary need at a price to mast your budget HoiLViNT ventilated (ALUMINUM AWNINOS No Down Payment Mos to Pay $9300 Jr pm Per Perso April 16 Person April 16 SUMMER-FALL RATES Double Occupancy tbru December 15 Beoch Cobanes Sarasota Beach Horn's Cars of Ynti'Aoy Hotel Swimming Yachting cruise thru Florida Kays 1 LAS-11 Dancing and romancing that's YOUR Millionaire's vacation at the celebrity-filled New Terrace Hotel! So don't wait another minute for reservations! REGULARLY Wm Jones SEE YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT OR WRITE NEW TERRACE HOTEL Box 1720 Sarasota Florida Tel Rlngling 6-4111 CARPORT ID $19995 Main At Weeks.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.