Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)

Welcome to the Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide! In Spider-Man 2 you play as two characters, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, known from the previous two games. The overall gameplay and trophy designis very similar. For Platinum you need 100%district completion which requires finding all 160 collectibles. The collectibles get marked when unfogging the map (except Spider-Bots) so they are easy to find. The map gets unfogged when reaching District Completion Level 2 (from finding Collectibles) or going everywhere manually to unfog a radius around you. All of the quest-related trophies come from the story and district completion. Some collectibles lead to trophy quests too. The only thing that doesn’t come automatically fromcollectibles are combat trophies and a few miscellaneous open world trophies. These are all quick to do and enemies keep spawning infinitely after the story in Crimes and Mysteriums. Just have fun, you can approach the Platinum any way you like.

BecauseCollectibles and Abilities unlock gradually from story progress it’s best tofinish the story first. After finishing the story you will have access to all Collectibles. What difficulty you pick doesn’t matter. There is nothing to look out for, nothing missable, can still do all trophies after the story. There are enough materials in the game to buy completely everything so you don’t need to hoard anything. If you want, you can alreadygrab Collectibles when they unlockfor XP and materials (see Step 2 for when they unlock). Reaching district completion level 2unlocks Fast Travel and unfogsthe map. Map areas you already unfogged will retroactively mark new collectible types when they unlock from story progress. However, the most time-efficientapproach would be tofocus only on the story and collect everything afterward to reduce backtracking. The only combat trophy that’s easier during the story is doing 25 Stealth Takedowns from Web Lines, the Web Line unlocks inMain Quest 8: Bad Guys on the Block.

After the story you will have access to all Collectibles, can still free-roam and do all side content. For 100% District Completion you need all Collectibles (160 total). By going for 100% completion you will automatically reach the maximum level and get enough crafting materials to buy all Suits, Tech Upgrades, Gadgets. Refer to Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Collectible Guide – 100% Completion.

All Collectibles get marked when unfogging the map, except Spider-Bots which are unmarked. The map gets unfogged in a radius around you. Once you reach district completion level 2 it fully unfogsthe map.

If you still need any combat-related trophies try to pair them up with Collectibles, many of them feature enemies.Getting bronze medals in the Mysterium Challenges is enough for trophy purposes, no need to get silver or gold.

Crimes and small material chests aren’t needed for district completion. Afterreaching 100% you will have enough materials to buy everything in the game, except maybe 1000-2000 Tech Parts which you can quickly farm from Crimes. If you don’t want to farm Crimes for Tech Parts, you can keep a Manual Save before buying everything from one menu, pop the trophy, then reload to get theTech Parts back and buy everything from next menu.

All you might have left are some miscellaneous trophies like finding Phin’s science trophy or flying from Financial District to Astoria without landing. Thesecan all be done in a matter of minutes, refer to their description below.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (1)Dedicated
Collect all TrophiesMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2)Earn all other trophies in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 to unlock Platinum (no DLC required).Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (3)Superior
100% complete all districtsMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (4)»Spider-Man 2 Collectible Guide – 100% CompletionMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (5)Heal the World
Finish the main storyMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (6)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks for finishing all 31 Main Story Quests when reaching the Credits.Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (7)To the Max
Purchase all Gadget upgradesMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (8)You automatically unlock all gadgets from story progress and buying them in the “Gadgets” menu. There are 5 gadgets and each has 5 upgrades. This costs resources, which you get from all the collectibles & activities needed for 100% district completion. You get enough resources to buy all gadgets, suits, and suit tech upgrades when going for 100% completion, except 1000-2000 Tech Parts which you can quickly farm from Crimes.

To buy all Gadget Upgrades it costs4,495 Tech Parts + 28 City Tokens + 76 Rare Tech Parts + 31 Hero Tokens.

These are all 5 Gadgets and their Upgrades:

Web-Shooters (automatic story unlock) – Total: 585 Tech Parts + 5 City Tokens + 10 Rare Tech Parts + 4 Hero Tokens

  1. Increased Recharge: 115 Tech Parts + 2 City Tokens
  2. Increased Capacity: 115 Tech Parts +3 City Tokens
  3. Recycle: 115 Tech Parts +4 Rare Tech Parts
  4. Splash Zone: 120Tech Parts + 6Rare Tech Parts
  5. Web Burst: 120Tech Parts + 4 Hero Tokens

Upshot (automatic story unlock) – Total: 640 Tech Parts + 6 City Tokens + 12 Rare Tech Parts + 5 Hero Tokens

  1. Increased Capacity I: 115 Tech Parts + 2 City Tokens
  2. Heavy Pop Up: 115 Tech Parts +5 Rare Tech Parts
  3. Increased Capacity II: 115 Tech Parts + 4 City Tokens
  4. Fire Power: 140 Tech Parts +5 Hero Tokens
  5. Projectile Launch: 155 Tech Parts +7 Rare Tech Parts

Web Grabber (bought in Gadgets menu for 115 Tech Parts + 3 City Tokens) – Total:895 Tech Parts +9 City Tokens + 14 Rare Tech Parts + 5 Hero Tokens

  1. Bombard:115 Tech Parts +3 City Tokens
  2. Increased Range: 170 Tech Parts + 6 Rare Tech Parts
  3. Heave Ho!: 165 Tech Parts + 5 Hero Tokens
  4. Grabtastic: 155 Tech Parts + 3 City Tokens
  5. Remix: 175 Tech Parts + 8 Rare Tech Parts

Sonic Burst (automatic story unlock) – Total: 1015 Tech Parts + 4 City Tokens + 18 Rare Tech Parts + 5 Hero Tokens

  1. Burst Disarm: 200 Tech Parts + 5 Hero Tokens
  2. Lure: 190 Tech Parts + 5 Rare Tech Parts
  3. Increased Capacity: 195 Tech Parts + 4 City Tokens
  4. Shockwave: 220 Tech Parts + 6 Rare Tech Parts
  5. Mine Deploy: 210 Tech Parts + 7 Rare Tech Parts

Ricochet Web (bought in Gadgets menu for200 Tech Parts +6 Hero Tokens) – Total: 1,360 Tech Parts + 4 City Tokens + 22 Rare Tech Parts + 12 Hero Tokens

  1. Kinetic Translation: 225 Tech Parts + 6 Rare Tech Parts
  2. Increased Capacity: 225 Tech Parts + 7 Rare Tech Parts
  3. Increased Potency: 220 Tech Parts + 6 Hero Tokens
  4. Web Punch: 240 Tech Parts + 4 City Tokens
  5. Split Shot: 250 Tech Parts + 9 Rare Tech Parts

TOTAL: 4,495 Tech Parts + 28 City Tokens + 76 Rare Tech Parts + 31 Hero Tokens

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (9)Kitted Out
Purchase all available SuitsMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (10)Suits can be bought from the “Suits” Menu. They cost resources to purchase. You get all Suits and materialswhile working on 100% district completion.A few Suits aren’t directly purchased but instead come from Story Progress & Collectibles. The Suit Styles aren’t required for this.

»Spider-Man 2 How to Get All Suits

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (11)Behind the Masks
Complete “Grand Finale”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (12)“Grand Finale” is the name of the final “Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (13)Mysterium” collectible. It only spawns after havingdone all other Mysteriums. These are little combat challenges, getting bronze rating is enough. Then you get a quest markerinDowntown Brooklyn leading you tothe final Mysterium called “Grand Finale”.They are all needed for 100% district completion.

»Spider-Man 2 AllMysterium Locations

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (14)Amazing
Reach max levelMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (15)Level 60 is the Maximum. You automatically reach Level 60 on the way to 100% completion, can’t miss it. No need to farm anything for this. The main story alone will get you to at least Level 28 (ignoring all side content). Then all remaining levels come from Collectibles needed for district completion (they give big XP rewards).

»Spider-Man 2 Collectible Guide – 100% Completion

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (16)Data Collector
Complete “Target Identified”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (17)“Target Identified” is the name of the final “Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (18)Unidentified Target” collectible. It only spawns after having collectedall other Unidentified Targets. Then you get a quest markerin Midtown leading you to it.They are all needed for 100% district completion.

»Spider-Man 2 AllUnidentified Target Locations

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (19)Crimson Hour
Complete “It Was Meant for Me”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (20)“It Was Meant for Me” is the name of the final “Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (21)The Flame” mission. It only spawns afterhaving completed all other “The Flame” missions. Then you get a quest markerinWilliamsburg leading you to it.They are all needed for 100% district completion.

»Spider-Man 2 AllThe Flame MissionLocations

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (22)Exterminator
Complete all Symbiote NestsMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (23)»Spider-Man 2 AllSymbiote Nest LocationsMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (24)Grains of Sand
Piece together broken memoriesMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (25)This unlocksfrom finding all Marko’s Memories Collectibles.

» Spider-Man 2 All Marko’s Memory Locations

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (26)Leave Us Alone
Complete “Don’t Be Scared”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (27)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Main Quest 25:Don’t Be Scared.Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (28)The Great Hunt
Complete “Anything Can Be Broken”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (29)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Main Quest 24:Anything Can Be Broken.Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (30)Seek and Destroy
Complete all Hunter BasesMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (31)For this you must complete all 11 Hunter Blinds and all 4 Hunter Bases. Completing all Hunter Blinds in a district unlocks the Hunter Base for that district:

»Spider-Man 2 AllHunter Blind Locations
Spider-Man 2 AllHunter Base Locations

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (32)Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Complete all FNSM requestsMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (33)»Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (34)Medicine
Complete “It Chose You”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (35)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Main Quest 20:It Chose You.Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (36)Surge
Use Symbiote Abilities 25 times during Symbiote SurgeMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (37)“Symbiote Surge” & “Symbiote Abilities” are only available forPeter (not Miles).

First, youmust finish Main Quest 15:Good Men to unlock “Symbiote Surge”. This adds a yellow bar in the top right corner of the screen that slowly charges during combat. When fully charged it can be activated with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (38) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (39) to perform a “Symbiote Surge”. This makes Peter more powerful for a short period (only lasts a few seconds).

While the Symbiote Surge is active you have to trigger Symbiote Abilities a total of 25 times. Equip 4 of these abilities and make sure they are all charged and ready before activating the Surge. Then you can spam all 4 abilities in quick succession before the Surge ends.

There are 6 Symbiote Abilities that count:

  1. Anti-Venom Punch – story unlock – Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (40) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (41)
  2. Anti-VenomBomb – story unlock – Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (42) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (43)
  3. Anti-Venum Strike – buy “Symbiote Strike” from Peter’s skill tree – Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (44) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (45)
  4. Anti-Venum Blast – story unlock – Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (46) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (47)
  5. Anti-Venum Tempest– story unlock – Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (48) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (49)
  6. Anti-Venum Yank– buy “Symbiote Yank” from Peter’s skill tree – Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (50) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (51)

They have white icons in the Abilities Menu. 4 of them are automatically unlocked from story progress (unmissable) and 2 are bought from Peter’s skill tree. They can be equipped from the “Abilities” Menu.

For it to count you have to activate these abilities DURING a Symbiote Surge (after the yellow bar in top right is fully charged and you pressed Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (52) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (53) to activate it). If you use these abilities without enabling Symbiote Charge it won’t count.

You can keep track of your progress via the built-in PS5 trophy tracker (click the trophy in the trophy list), it shows exactly how manyyou have done.

It can still be done after the story inCrimes. You can change the abilities from the “Abilities” Menu at any time for Peter. Fight enemies in Crimes until the abilities recharge and keep defeating enemies with these abilities in Crimes.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (54)Foundational
Complete all EMF ExperimentsMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (55)»Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (56)Evolved
Defeat 100 enemies with Evolved Venom abilitiesMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (57)“Evolved Venom Abilities” are only available forMiles (not Peter). They are the following 4 abilities:
  1. Chain LightningMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (58) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (59)
  2. Thunder Burst Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (60) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (61)
  3. Reverse Flux Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (62) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (63)
  4. GalvanizeMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (64) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (65)

They are all unlocked automatically from story progress (unmissable). They can be equipped from the “Abilities” Menu.

For it to count you have to land thefinal hit that kills the enemyusing these 4 abilities, for a total of 100 kills. If the hit doesn’t kill the enemy it won’t count towards the trophy. It’s best to weaken the enemies beforehand, or focus on enemies that die in one hit, or spam all abilities in quick succession to wipe out bigger groups.

You can keep track of your progress via the built-in PS5 trophy tracker (click the trophy in the trophy list), it shows exactly how many kills you have done.

It can still be done after the story in Crimes. You can change the abilities from the “Abilities” Menu at any time forMiles.The easiest option for Miles is to playMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (66)Mysteriumsas they have lots of enemies. Alternatively, it can also be done in Crimes as they keep spawning infinitely after the story.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (67)Armed and Dangerous
Defeat 100 enemies with Spider Arm abilitiesMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (68)“Spider-Arm Abilities” are only available for Peter (not Miles). They are the following 4 abilities:
  1. Spider Barrage Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (69) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (70)
  2. Spider Rush Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (71) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (72)
  3. Spider Shock Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (73) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (74)
  4. Spider Whiplash Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (75) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (76)

They are unlocked automatically from story progress (unmissable) and by buying them from Peter’s skill tree. They can be equipped from the “Abilities” Menu. It’s also advisable to buy the upgrades from Peter’s skill tree that improve these abilities.All abilities have a timed recharge that refills automatically over time.

For it to count you have to land the final hit that kills the enemy using these 4 abilities, for a total of 100 kills. If the hit doesn’t kill the enemy it won’t count towards the trophy. It’s best to weaken the enemies beforehand, or focus on enemies that die in one hit, or spam all abilities in quick succession to wipe out bigger groups.

You can keep track of your progress via the built-in PS5 trophy tracker (click the trophy in the trophy list), it shows exactly how many kills you have done.

It can still be done after the story in Crimes. You can change the abilities from the “Abilities” Menu at any time for Peter. Fight enemies in Crimes until the abilities recharge and keep defeating enemies with these abilities in Crimes.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (77)Another Way
Complete “No Escape”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (78)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Main Quest 23:No Escape.Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (79)Fully Loaded
Purchase all of Spider-Man’s Suit Tech upgradesMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (80)For this you must buy everything from the “Suit Tech” menu(unlocked in Main Quest 06: Amends). There are 4 Suit Techs, each has 8 upgrades. This costs resources, which you get from all the collectibles & activities needed for 100% district completion. You get enough resources to buy all gadgets, suits, and suit tech upgrades when going for 100% completion, except 1000-2000 Tech Parts which you can quickly farm from Crimes.

To buy allSuit Techs it costs620 Tech Parts + 53 Rare Tech Parts + 44 City Tokens + 94 Hero Tokens.

Health – 140 Tech Parts + 12 Rare Tech Parts + 8 City Tokens + 28 Hero Tokens

  1. Amazing Health 1: Automatic from story
  2. Amazing Health 2: 20 Tech Parts + 4 Rare Tech Parts
  3. Confidence Boost/Rejuvenating Parry: 20 Tech Parts + 8 City Tokens
  4. Spectacular Health 1: 20 Tech Parts + 4 Hero Tokens
  5. Spectacular Health 2: 20 Tech Parts + 6 Hero Tokens
  6. The Best Defense/Life Link:20 Tech Parts +8 Rare Tech Parts
  7. Ultimate Health 1:20 Tech Parts + 8 Hero Tokens
  8. Ultimate Health 2:20 Tech Parts + 10 Hero Tokens

Damage – 160 Tech Parts + 15Rare Tech Parts + 12 City Tokens + 24 Hero Tokens

  1. Amazing Damage 1:20 Tech Parts +4 City Tokens
  2. Amazing Damage 2:20 Tech Parts + 2 Hero Tokens
  3. Air Marshal/Focused Parry:20 Tech Parts + 7 Rare Tech Parts
  4. Spectacular Damage 1:20 Tech Parts + 4 Hero Tokens
  5. Spectacular Damage 2:20 Tech Parts + 8 City Tokens
  6. Combo King/The Floor is Lava:20 Tech Parts + 8 Rare Tech Parts
  7. Ultimate Damage 1:20 Tech Parts + 8 Hero Tokens
  8. Ultimate Damage 2:20 Tech Parts + 10 Hero Tokens

Focus– 160 Tech Parts + 14 Rare Tech Parts + 16 City Tokens + 22 Hero Tokens

  1. Webbed Focus:20 Tech Parts + 2 City Tokens
  2. Double Focus:20 Tech Parts + 6 Rare Tech Parts
  3. Focused Strike/Target Acquisition:20 Tech Parts + 4 Hero Tokens
  4. Stealth Focus:20 Tech Parts + 4 City Tokens
  5. Triple Focus:20 Tech Parts + 8 Rare Tech Parts
  6. Perfect Sight/Eyes on Target:20 Tech Parts + 8 Hero Tokens
  7. Healing Focus:20 Tech Parts + 10 City Tokens
  8. Aerial Focus:20 Tech Parts + 10 Hero Tokens

Traversal– 160 Tech Parts + 12 Rare Tech Parts + 8 City Tokens + 20 Hero Tokens

  1. Amazing Wings:20 Tech Parts + 1 Rare Tech Parts
  2. Amazing Launch:20 Tech Parts + 3 City Tokens
  3. Acrobat/Charged:20 Tech Parts + 5 City Tokens
  4. Spectacular Swing:20 Tech Parts + 4 Hero Tokens
  5. Spectacular Wings:20 Tech Parts + 5 Rare Tech Parts
  6. All Seeing/Active Spider:20 Tech Parts + 6 Hero Tokens
  7. Ultimate Wings:20 Tech Parts + 6 Rare Tech Parts
  8. Ultimate Swing:20 Tech Parts + 10 Hero Tokens

TOTAL: 620Tech Parts +53 Rare Tech Parts +44 City Tokens +94 Hero Tokens

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (81)Brooklyn Pride
Complete “A Gift”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (82)“A Gift” is the name of the final “Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (83)Brooklyn Visions” activity. It only spawns after having completed all other “Brooklyn Visions” side missions. Then you get a quest markerin Williamsburg leading you to it.They are all needed for 100% district completion.


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (84)My Community
Complete “Hard Bop”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (85)“Hard Bop” is the name of the final “Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (86)Cultural Museum” activity. It only spawns after having completed the other Cultural Museum activity. Then you get a quest markerinHarlem leading you to it.They are all needed for 100% district completion.

»Spider-Man 2 AllCultural Museum Locations

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (87)I Quit
Complete “This Isn’t You”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (88)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Main Quest 28:Set Things Right.Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (89)Funky Wireless Protocols
Solve the mystery of the Spider-Bots’ originMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (90)This unlocks from finding all Spider-Bots.

»Spider-Man 2 AllSpider-Bot Locations

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (91)Stylish
Equip a suit styleMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (92)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. This will be the 2nd story trophy you unlock. After Main Quest 03:Show Me New York, you get the objective to pick up your suit. At this point the story objective makes you craft and equip another suit style. The trophy unlocks when exiting the crafting menu.

After this you can craft more suit styles in the “Suits” Menu at any time. Select any suit and hold Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (93) to craft new styles > click Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (94) on the suit > Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (95) to select and style and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (96) to select it.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (97)Slack Line
Stealth takedown 25 enemies in stealth from the Web LineMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (98)First, you must unlock the “Web Line”, it unlocks automatically in Main Quest 8:Bad Guys on the Block.

After this you can shoot a Web Line at walls with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (99) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (100) . It creates a line you can walk over. While on a Web Linelook down at enemies and press Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (101) to do stealth takedown. You must do this 25 times to earn the trophy.

They have to be stealth takedowns, meaning you can’t be seen. If an enemy shows “Danger” when aiming at him, it means doing the takedown will get you spotted, so avoid this. Check all enemies in an area to take them out one by one in stealth. You can still do it after the story in the open world, enemies keep spawning infinitely in Crimes (you can go invisible as Miles and focus on stealth Crimes which are random). It counts 25 total across all combat encounters. You don’t need to do 25 in a single encounter.

Good places for it are alsoMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (102)Hunter Bases. They have lots of enemies close together.

It can still be done after the story inCrimes.Play as Miles and go invisible by pressing Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (103) (after unlocking invisibility from story progress). Alternatively, can also focus on Stealth Crimes (which are slightly random), but going invisible with Miles is the easiest option.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (104)Hang Ten
Perform 30 Air Tricks in a row without touching the groundMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (105)Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (106)

To perform tricks: while in midairpress Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (107) + Left Stick in any direction Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (108) / Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (109) / Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (110) / Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (111) . It will then show XP on the right side for each trick you do. Simply keepswinging with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (112) and do a trick after each swing until the trophy pops. Must do 30 tricks without touching the ground in between.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (113)Overdrive
As Miles, use Reverse Flux to pull 6 or more enemies together simultaneouslyMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (114)Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (115)

“Reverse Flux” ability is unlocked during Main Quest 23:No Escape (automatic from story, can’t miss it). After this you can activate it as Miles with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (116) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (117). It will pull in enemies around you. Do this when 6 or more enemies are near you and it will pop the trophy. It can only be done with Miles, not Peter.

This is practically a story trophy because right after unlocking the ability you will be prompted by the tutorial to keep using this ability and there are lots of enemies around. If you didn’t get it during Main Quest 23: Escape, you can do it anywhere in the open world at larger groups of enemies, which can be found during Crimes, Hunter Blinds, Hunter Bases, Marko’s Memories, and Side Quests. If you unslotted the Reverse Flux you can equip it again in the Abilities Menu > Miles > choose right-side ability and switch Venom Smash for Reverse Flux.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (118)Home Run!
Round the bases at the Big Apple Ballers StadiumMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (119)Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (120)

Big Apple Ballers Stadium is found in the south-east corner of the map (south-east corner of Downtown Brooklyn). Enter the playing field inside the baseball stadium. On the playing field, run around all bases once on foot. The bases are the white markers on the floor in the brownish outline. After running one full circle the trophy will unlock.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (124)Just Let Go
As Miles, find the science trophy Miles and Phin won togetherMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (125)Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (126)

The Science Trophy is found where Miles places it in the final cutscene of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales– on the back of the church tower in Financial District.

Go to the churchin the south of Financial District, climb up the back of the church tower. There is a blue cube, press Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (127) to pick it up while playing as Miles. It can only be picked up as Miles, NOT as Peter. If you play as Peter the button prompt won’t come up.

You can switch between Miles and Peter by swiping Touchpad Left > hold Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (128) to switch characters. The earliest opportunity for it is after Main Quest 03: Show Me New York, at this point youcan free-roam as Miles for the first time and freely switch characters. During certain story sections the characters can’t be switched, inthat case you must advance the storyuntilcharacters can be switched again(after the storythey can be switched any time in free-roam).

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (134)You Know What to Do
As Peter, visit Aunt May’s graveMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (135)Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (136)

Aunt May’s Grave can be found in the graveyard in the north-west corner of the map (north-west corner of Harlem district). It’s in the northern half of the graveyard on a grassy patch under some trees, away from the asphalted path. There will be a white/yellow circle indicating it when nearby. It’s together with Ben Parker’s grave. Go close to the grave and press Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (137) to interact with it for the trophy. The trophy only pops after having interacted with the grave.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (141)Soar
Using only your Web Wings, glide from the Financial District to Astoria (Wind Tunnels are okay!)Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (142)Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (143)

First, you will need to finish Main Quest 3:Show Me New York. After this quest you unlock “Wind Tunnels” which give you speed boost when flying into them with the Web Wings. This is mandatory to fly far enough.

You must glide from Financial District which is in the south-west corner of the map all the way to Astoria district which is in the north-east corner of the map. You are only allowed to use Web Wings and Wind Tunnels, nothing else (can’t use Web Swings with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (144) and can’t speed up with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (145) Web Pulls etc).

You use the Web Wings by pressing Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (146) while in the air. Wind Tunnels look like gusts of wind and turn into “green rings” when flying nearby. You must then fly through the green rings to get a speed boost, fly from one Wind Tunnel to the next to stay in midair until you reach Astoria district. The easiest way is to use the wind tunnel north-east of Financial district and the one over the river.

Start by putting a waypoint marker on the map in the south-west corner of Astoria district. This is the point where you must fly to:

Go to the north-east corner of Financial district and look for a radio tower on a roof. This is a good starting point (you can pull up to the tower with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (148) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (149) ):

Jump off this tower with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (153) and immediately press Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (154) to open the Web Wings. Now glide towards the north-west, in the direction of the marker you put on Astoria district. After 200 meters there’s the first wind tunnel, fly into it and follow the green rings until you reach the river:

Over the river, fly into the wind tunnel on the right (just where you come out of the first wind tunnel). It will point across the river straight to Astoria. After exiting the wind tunnel you will arrive at your destination and the trophy pops in midair while you still fly.

So in total you just need to connect these two wind tunnels in one glide.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (161)Splat
Attempt and fail a trick before “landing” on the groundMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (162)To perform tricks: while in midairpress Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (163) + Left Stick in any direction Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (164) / Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (165) / Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (166) / Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (167) . It will then show XP on the right side for each trick you do. Simply keep holding these buttons until you crash onto the floor and the trophy will unlock.Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (168)A New Adventure
Help HowardMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (169)“Howard” is an Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (170)FNSM Request (side quest), available after Main Quest 13: Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt. It can then be tracked from the Missions Menu and spawns in Financial District.You will automatically do it for 100% district completion.


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (171)Resourceful
Collect a total of 10,000 Tech PartsMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (172)For this you need to get 10,000 Tech Parts cumulatively across the game,not 10,000 at the same time. Meaning you are free to spend them on upgrades and suits and don’t need to save them up (e.g. if you spent 5,000 and then collect another 5,000 it will still pop the trophy). You get more than 10,000 Tech Parts automatically while clearing all Collectibles for 100% district completion. There’s no need to farm this or do anything special for it,just do everything needed for 100% district completion and you’ll get loads of these.

You can keep track of the progress via the built-in PS5 trophy tracker (click trophy in trophy list to view percentage progress).

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (173)Co-Signing
Complete all Tech StashesMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (174)Reward for finding all 10Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (175) Prowler Stashes (collectibles needed for 100% district completion):


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (176)You’re Gonna Need Help
Complete “Surface Tension”Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (177)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after MainQuest 01:Surface Tension. This will be the first trophy you unlock in the game.Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (178)New York, New York
Complete all Photo OpsMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (179)»Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (180)Antidote
Defeat a Symbiote that is under the effect of Anti-Venom statusMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (181)Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (182)

Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks during Main Quest 28: Set Things Right. During this story quest you unlock a new ability for Peter called “Anti-Venom Bomb”. It’s activated with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (183) + Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (184) (only as Peter, not as Miles). When you unlock it, the story forces you to use it once onaSymbiote enemy to advance, at which point the trophy automatically unlocks. So don’t worry about this, you can’t miss it.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (185)A New Suit
Acquire the Black SuitMarvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (186)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Main Quest 15:Good Men. You obtain the Black Suit as part of the story in this quest.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.