AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (2024)

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GameCreationScenario systemAIStorytellersWorldGenerationBiomes


  • 1 Current AI storytellers
  • 2 Difficulties
    • 2.1 Commitment mode
  • 3 Options
    • 3.1 Threats
    • 3.2 Economy
    • 3.3 General
    • 3.4 Player tools
    • 3.5 Adaptation
    • 3.6 Ideology
    • 3.7 Biotech
    • 3.8 Anomaly
      • 3.8.1 Standard with monolith options
      • 3.8.2 Ambient horror options
  • 4 Technical info
    • 4.1 New colonist events
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Version history

The AI storyteller is the main mechanism used to determine game difficulty and play style. There are currently three presets for narrative settings. Each preset features different raid frequencies and an eponymous cartoon mascot. The player must choose either Cassandra Classic, Phoebe Chillax, or Randy Random to act as their "unseeable God." They will periodicallycreate events for your colony, including pirate raids, resource drops, or manhunter animal packs. The AI Storyteller does not have an in-game body, location, or manifestation; it is just a name given to describe game settings.

Your choice of storyteller sets the tone for your colony - a more benevolent storyteller like Phoebe will send trade caravans or helpful travelers after hitting your colony hard with a tough raid.

The frequency and type of storyteller events are based on a number of factors. Colony wealth, building wealth, colonists count, animal count, if a colonist has died or been severely wounded recently, and how long it has been since the last major event are all considered before a storyteller event occurs.

The difficulty is adjusted separately from the storyteller, however, some storytellers are less merciful than others. Both difficulty and storyteller are changeable mid-game from the Settings Menu, with no downside or penalty.

Current AI storytellers[edit]

Cassandra Classic

Cassandra creates story events on a classic increasing curve of challenge and tension.
She'll push you with dangerous events, then give breathing room, then come back to push once more.

Phoebe Chillax

Phoebe gives lots of time between disasters to build your colony.
But beware - at high difficulties, she'll hit as hard as anyone.

Randy Random

Randy doesn't follow rules.
He'll generate random events, and he doesn't care if they make a story of triumph or utter hopelessness. It's all drama to him.

Warning: Since Randy is truly random, he will sometimes send extremely difficult or unfair groups of events at you.
It makes for high drama - and unavoidable sacrifices.


There are 6 default difficulties:

DifficultyIn-game description
PeacefulBuild a community in a sandbox environment. Major direct threats are disabled, but challenges like disease, mental breaks, and mad animals can still occur.

Recommended for:

  • Players who want to learn the game mechanics with minimal pressure.
  • Players who just want to build.
  • Players who just want to relax.
Community builderBuild a community with a taste of danger. Threats appear, but they're weakened.

Recommended for:

  • Players who are new to this kind of game.
  • Players who want to build a perfect colony.
  • Players who want to relax.
Adventure storyThere's room to grow and thrive, but it's still a dangerous planet.

Recommended for:

  • Experienced strategy gamers on their first game of RimWorld.
  • Experienced RimWorld players who want some breathing room to pursue funny or weird goals.
Strive to surviveStrive to survive on a rough, tough planet. There will be triumph and tragedy.

Recommended for:

  • Experienced players who want a rough story requiring skill to survive.
Blood and dustFace brutal survival challenges. Even if you play well, people will die. You will need to anticipate threats before they arrive, and seek out every advantage.

Recommended for:

  • Experienced players who want to struggle to survive.
Losing is funThis setting is designed to be unfair. Huge threats will crash upon you without mercy until your colony dies. Only choose this setting if you are happy with the drama of struggling and dying.

Recommended for:

  • Experienced players who want to face a brutal, unfair challenge where even great skill may not prevent death.
  • Lovers of tragedy.
  • Digital masoch*sts.

Each difficulty works by changing the values of each setting, displayed down below. Using the Custom difficulty will allow you to change each setting yourself. The default values are based on the "Strive to survive" difficulty level, where most values are at 1.0, or 100%. When creating a custom difficulty, you can use the "Set to Standard Playstyle" button to change the values to one of the 6 default difficulties.

Commitment mode[edit]

When creating a game, the player must choose between "Commitment" and "Reload anytime" mode. Unlike storyteller and difficulty, this cannot be changed after game creation. If desired, you can disable (or enable) commitment mode by editing the save file.

With reload anytime, you can save and reload the game as you wish. Good if you're still learning the game, if you intend to self-enforce commitment mode, or if you want to have a more relaxed experience. RimWorld is a single player game - nobody will judge you for playing with saves.

In commitment mode, you only get one save file and can only save when quitting the game. You cannot reload the game to fix mistakes. When the entire colony dies, but only when the entire colony dies, that's it. This is the way RimWorld was meant to be played with every dramatic turn - whether tragic or hopeful - played out to full impact. (Note: this can be dangerous if you use lots of mods - if something soft-locks, you cannot go back to an earlier save to avoid the situation!)



OptionsDescriptionValue optionsPeacefulCommunity builderAdventure storyStrive to surviveBlood and dustLosing is fun
Threat scaleAdjust the size of threats like raids (using raid points) and infestations, and the difficulty of quests.0% - 500%10%30%60%100%155%220%
Major threatsAllow major threats such as raids, infestations, manhunter packs, crashed mechanoid ships and more.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (4)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (5)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (6)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (7)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (8)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (9)
Quests threatsAllow quests to present with violent threats and challenges. If this is disabled, quests will be modified to be non-violent.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (10)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (11)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (12)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (13)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (14)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (15)
Intro threatsEnable the fixed intro threats that appear near game start.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (16)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (17)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (18)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (19)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (20)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (21)
Predators hunt humansAllow wild predators to hunt humans.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (22)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (23)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (24)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (25)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (26)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (27)
Extreme weatherAllow extreme weather incidents such as toxic fallout, volcanic winters and flashstorms.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (28)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (29)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (30)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (31)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (32)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (33)


OptionsDescriptionValue optionsPeacefulCommunity builderAdventure storyStrive to surviveBlood and dustLosing is fun
Harvest yieldAdjust the amount of materials produced when harvesting plants and crops. This includes harvesting plants and cutting trees.0% - 500%120%120%100%100%95%80%
Mining yieldAdjust the amount of materials produced when mining.0% - 500%120%120%100%100%95%80%
Butchering yieldAdjust the amount of materials produced when butchering. This includes meat, leather, and yield from shredding mechanoids.0% - 500%100%100%100%100%90%80%
Research speedAdjust the speed of research.0% - 500%120%120%100%100%95%90%
Quest rewardsAdjust the value of rewards given for quests. Note: Quest reward value is also automatically scaled to compensate for threat scale. If you adjust this setting, you'll be adding an additional multiplier.0% - 500%100%
Raid lootAdjust the value of loot carried by raiders. Note: Raid loot value is also automatically scaled to compensate for threat scale. If you adjust this setting, you'll be adding an additional multiplier.0% - 500%100%
Trade price disadvantageWhen trading, buy prices are increased by this amount while sell prices are reduced by this amount.0% - 50%0%0%0%0%10%20%
Turret rearm costAdjust the cost of rearming turrets.1% - 100%100%
Scaria rot chanceThe probability that a corpse will immediately rot upon death, if the creature has the scaria disease. Note: The default settings are designed to exactly balance out the increase in animal count at higher difficulties, so all players get the same meat rewards.0% - 100%0%0%33%60%74%82%
Enemy death on downedAdjust the extra chance that an enemy will immediately die when downed. This affects the chances to take prisoners, and thus colony population growth rates.0% - 100%50%90%100%100%100%100%


OptionsDescriptionValue optionsPeacefulCommunity builderAdventure storyStrive to surviveBlood and dustLosing is fun
Colonist moodA permanent mood offset applied to every colonist and prisoner. Colonists have a base mood of 50%.-20 - +20+10+10+5+0-5-10
Food poison chanceAdjust the chance that a person will get food poisoning from eating a potentially-poisoned meal.0% - 500%30%50%75%100%110%120%
Animal revenge chanceAdjust the chance that injuring a wild animal will cause it to attack.0% - 500%25%100%100%100%100%100%
Infection chanceAdjust the chance that a wound will become infected.0% - 500%30%50%75%100%100%110%
Disease frequencyAdjust the frequency of random disease events.0% - 500%33%40%67%100%105%111%
Insect spawning rateAdjust the rate at which existing insect hives spawn new insects. Lower values means more time between spawn events. This does not affect whether infestations can occur - only the speed at which active hives produce insects.0% - 500%10%15%50%100%100%100%
Deep drilling infestationsAdjust the chance that deep drilling will trigger an infestation.0% - 500%0%25%75%100%110%130%
Friendly fireAdjust the chance of friendly fire. Note: This setting only affects direct shots which were going to hit their target. It does not prevent damage from explosions, or from shots which were going to miss their target.0% - 100%40%
Colonist instant killsAdjust the chance that a colonist can die instantly due to an attack. The incoming damage is adjusted so it will down the colonist instead. This only prevents some kinds of instant kills - colonists can still be downed and bleed to death, die from fire, explosions, disease, and so on.0% - 100%100%
Map generation ancient threatsAncient structures may contain dangerous threats.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (34)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (35)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (36)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (37)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (38)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (39)
Map generation natural hivesDormant insect hives may spawn in natural caves. This setting only applies to map generation and does not affect active insects that may tunnel in during play.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (40)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (41)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (42)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (43)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (44)AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (45)

Player tools[edit]

OptionsDescriptionValue optionsPeacefulCommunity builderAdventure storyStrive to surviveBlood and dustLosing is fun
Player can build spike trapsPlayer can build traps like spike traps and IED traps.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (46)
Player can build turretsPlayer can build static turrets like mini-turrets, autocannon turrets, and uranium slug turrets. You can still use captured turrets even if this is disabled.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (47)
Player can build mortarsPlayer can build mortars. You can still use captured mortars even if this is disabled.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (48)
Classic mortarsMortars will not require reinforced barrels to construct or reload, and are balanced for this ease of access.

With "Classic Mortars", mortars are as they were before 1.3. Namely:

  • The barrel need not be changed every 20 shots.
  • Reinforced barrels are removed from the recipe and game.
  • Forced miss radius increased from 9 to 13.
  • Steel cost of all mortar shells increased by 10.

Note that the Mortar Miss Radius Multiplier still applies with this setting applied.

ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (49)


OptionsDescriptionValue optionsPeacefulCommunity builderAdventure storyStrive to surviveBlood and dustLosing is fun
Adaptation growth rateAdaptation means the storyteller makes the game more challenging when you're doing well. An adaptation score grows over time, and is knocked down when you take damage. This setting adjusts how fast the adaptation score grows over time.0% - 100%0%25%75%100%100%100%
Adaptation impactAdaptation means the storyteller makes the game more challenging when you're doing well. An adaptation score grows over time, and is knocked down when you take damage. This setting adjusts how much the adaptation score affects the difficulty.0% - 100%100%100%100%90%70%40%
Wealth-independent progress modePlay in a wealth-independent progress mode. In normal mode, the storyteller scales threats according to colonist count, player wealth, and a variety of other factors. Wealth-independent mode removes the wealth factor and replaces it with a fixed progress curve based on time. The time is counted from the founding of each colony. This is only recommended for those looking for a strict skill challenge. In wealth-independent mode, it may be nearly impossible to recover from serious losses unless you found a new settlement. It's also possible to get too far ahead of the curve and find the game too easy.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (50)
Years until maximum threatThe number of game years until the wealth-independent mode reaches its maximum threat level. Note that the storyteller will still scale threats according to colonist count and a variety of other factors.1 - 2012


This section relates to content added by Ideology (DLC). Please note that it will not be present without the DLC enabled.
OptionsDescriptionValue optionsPeacefulCommunity builderAdventure storyStrive to surviveBlood and dustLosing is fun
Low pop conversion boostWith a single colonist of the player's starting ideoligion, conversion chance to his ideoligion is multiplied by this amount. Conversion attempts against them have their impact divided by that amount. With two colonists of the player's starting ideoligion, the effect is halved. With three or more colonists of the player's starting ideoligion, this has no effect.x100% - x500%300%


This section relates to content added by Biotech (DLC). Please note that it will not be present without the DLC enabled.
OptionsDescriptionValue optionsPeacefulCommunity builderAdventure storyStrive to surviveBlood and dustLosing is fun
Wastepack cocoon infestationAdjust the chance that a dissolved wastepack will trigger the arrival of insect cocoons.0% - 500%0%25%50%100%150%200%
Babies always healthyHuman babies are always born healthy.
Mothers can't die in childbirth or have miscarriages.
ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (53)
Disable childrenHumans can't become pregnant. Human babies and children will never appear unless you choose them as starting colonist.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (54)
Child enemiesHostile raids will sometimes include children.ToggleAI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (55)
Child aging rateAdjust the rate at which babies and children will age.100% - 600%400%
Adult aging rateAdjust the rate at which adults will age.100% - 600%100%


This section relates to content added by Anomaly (DLC). Please note that it will not be present without the DLC enabled.

These settings determine if the Void monolith spawns and how Anomaly threats are treated by the Storyteller.

Monolith settingIn-game description
Standard with monolithThe standard Anomaly experience. Anomaly threats are linked to the activation of the void monolith.
Ambient horrorThe monolith does not appear. Any Anomaly threat can occur, but Anomaly threats will be rare by default. Good if you want to interact with Anomaly expansion content without it being the focus. Note: The monolith endgame cannot occur in this mode.
Anomaly incidents disabledAnomaly threats do not occur. Good if you don't want to interact with most Anomaly expansion content.

Standard with monolith options[edit]

OptionsDescriptionValue optionsPeacefulCommunity builderAdventure storyStrive to surviveBlood and dustLosing is fun
Anomaly threats inactiveAdjust the percentage of major threats that will be Anomaly-related when the monolith is not active. Only certain minor Anomaly incidents can occur when the monolith is inactive.0% - 100%AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (57)
Anomaly threats activeAdjust the percentage of major threats that will be Anomaly-related when the monolith is active. The percentage of major threats that are Anomaly related when the monolith is at levels 2, 3, and 4 is this setting multiplied by 1.5x0%-100%AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (58)
Study efficiencyAdds a multiplier to how much research is gained when studying unnatural entities.0% - 500%200%120%100%100%90%80%

Ambient horror options[edit]

OptionsDescriptionValue optionsPeacefulCommunity builderAdventure storyStrive to surviveBlood and dustLosing is fun
Anomaly threatsAdjust the percentage of major threats that will be Anomaly-related.0% - 100%AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (59)
Study efficiencyAdds a multiplier to how much research is gained when studying unnatural entities.0% - 500%200%120%100%100%90%80%

Technical info[edit]

New colonist events[edit]

The formula that calculates the odds of random events that add new colonists has changed in 1.0. It factors in how long a player has been at the location for which the event is generated, and the current population of that colony, including pawns who are traveling on the world map. These events include "refugee chased", "transport pod crash", "wanderer joins" and "wild (human) wanders in".

The following code examples and analysis were provided by user Bar0th on Steam, who gave permission for their inclusion here. To summarize these findings: There is a new variable, "PopulationIntent," which replaces the old variables "desiredPopulationMin," "desiredPopulationMax" and "desiredPopulationCritical." It controls the odds of colonist-adding incidents happening on a particular map. The odds based on the time at location decrease until the 10th day, and the odds based on population decrease until the 20th colonist. (For purposes of this formula, prisoners count as half a colonist.) Once both variables have decreased to their long-term minimum, the odds remain stable. Randy's minimum chance is .08%, while for Cassandra and Phoebe the minimum chance is .02%, so Randy is still the best option for players who wish to reach a large colony size.

PopulationIntent (from StorytellerDef):
populationIntentFactorFromPopCurve x populationIntentFactorFromPopAdaptDaysCurve

Default = 0.05 (from C#)
Randy = 0.20 (from StorytellerDef)

IncidentChanceFactor_PopulationIntent (from C#):
None = 1
IncreaseHard = Max(0.4 + PopulationIntent, minIncChancePopulationIntentFactor)
IncreaseMedium = Max(PopulationIntent, minIncChancePopulationIntentFactor)
IncreaseEasy = Max(-0.4 + PopulationIntent, minIncChancePopulationIntentFactor)

IncidentChanceFinal (from C#):
baseChance (from IncidentDef) x IncidentChanceFactor_PopulationIntent

Example Event: Wanderer Join (baseChance = 0.4, populationEffect = IncreaseEasy)

Day >= 10, 5 Population (PopulationIntent = 1.0)

Randy: 0.24% (0.4 x Max(-0.4 + 1.0, 0.2) = 0.4 x 0.6)
Other: 0.24% (0.4 x Max(-0.4 + 1.0, 0.05) = 0.4 x 0.6)
- They are the same, because of the high PopulationIntent.

Day >= 10, 20+ Population (PopulationIntent = -1.0):

Randy: 0.08% (0.4 x Max(-0.4 + -1.0, 0.2) = 0.4 x 0.2)
Other: 0.02% (0.4 x Max(-0.4 + -1.0, 0.05) = 0.4 x 0.05)
- Here, the low PopulationIntent allows Randy's higher minIncChancePopulationIntentFactor to take effect.

So, there doesn't appear to be a hard cap on any of the storytellers anymore. However, some events can become much rarer at high populations (0.02% chance of a wanderer join, 0.08% if using Randy @ 20+ population). Also, for purposes of population calculation, it searches the entire map for pawns of that colony (ie: includes caravans, etc), and it also includes prisoners of that colony (each prisoner counts as half a colonist).

The multiple colony trick works, because it doesn't check all pawns in the map for all colonies, only the one it is currently determining the event for.

Also, you can check the table for the PopulationIntent from the "debug logging menu" while in dev mode. Search for the population, and you can bring up the table. You'll notice that after 10 days (at the top), and populations > 20 (at the left) the numbers remain the same. That's because of the curves in Storytellers.xml:


  • 0, 8.0
  • 1, 2.0
  • 5, 1.0
  • 9, 0.4
  • 12, 0.0
  • 20,-1.0

  • </points>


  • ( 0, 0)
  • (10, 1.00)

  • </points>

    Further investigation and updates are needed.


    • The "Losing is fun" difficulty is a reference to the game Dwarf Fortress, which also happens to be that game's tagline. More specifically, it refers to Dwarf Fortress lacking a definite ending, as the game will end with the player losing no matter how skilled they are.

    Version history[edit]

    • 0.0.254B - Added Chill Callie Classic storyteller. Rebalanced Cassandra’s raiders to not send advanced enemies too early, and to pace them a bit slower.
    • 00.1.334 - Kassandra renamed to Cleopatra.
    • 0.4.460 - Storytellers now focus on wealth and let you recover from serious damage.
    • 0.11.877 - Storytellers no longer entirely disallow events because of population. Randy’s event chances are affected by population (somewhat). Re-tuned storyteller population intent based on new output tables for smoother population gain with higher maximum and better recovery at small populations
    • 0.13.1135 - Permadeath mode added - One save file, save on quit or autosave only.
    • The names of the difficulty levels were changed from 1.0 to:
      • Peaceful
      • Builder
      • Medium
      • Rough
      • Savage
      • Merciless
    • 0.14.1236 - Fix: Storyteller incorrectly adjusts trader frequency in relation to ally count.
    • 0.14.1238 - Phoebe’s random incidents density reduced. Previously the same as Cassandra’s, which conflicted with Phoebe supposedly giving more breathing space between events.
    • 0.14.1241 - Reduced event density on Randy Random from 1.5x that of Cassandra to about the same as Cassandra. The combination and distribution of events is still very different from Cassandra. Toxic fallout, flashstorm and volcanic winter are now disabled in Free Play difficulty.
    • 1.1.2647 - they have changed again to the following:
      • Peaceful
      • Community builder
      • Adventure story
      • Strive to survive
      • The price of survival is blood
      • Losing is fun
    • 1.1.2654 - "The price of survival is blood" was changed to Blood and Dust.
    • 1.2.2719 - Custom playstyle system added. You can now select a new custom playstyle setting. This opens up a new menu that allows you to customize a large number of different settings exactly as you prefer.
    • 1.2.2753 - Rename "fixed wealth" mode to "wealth-independent" mode, and give the player a slider to control how many years until this mode delivers its maximum threat level.
    • 1.3.3200 - Turret ammo cost is no longer factored by difficulty.
    • 1.4.3555 - Renamed "child raiders" storyteller setting to "child enemies" to be more accurate. Allow modifying the “child aging rate” and “babies are healthy” storyteller settings even if children are disabled, in case there are already children in the game. Fix: Wastepack cocoon infestation storyteller setting appearing in the wrong spot.
    Cassandra Classic
    Phoebe Chillax
    Randy Random

    Retrieved from ""


    • AI
    AI Storytellers - RimWorld Wiki (2024)


    Who is the best AI storyteller RimWorld beginner? ›

    Phoebe Chillax is our recommendation for a first-time playthrough. The events will still scale and grow in difficulty, but plenty of time is provided to recover and prepare.

    Who is the easiest narrator in RimWorld? ›

    Phoebe Chillax, is a storyteller whose main characteristic is the long break between challenges, leaving the player with enough time to rest and recover after an event, and live without much to worry about. This gives new players a more relaxed experience to get familiar with the game.

    What does Randy Random do? ›

    He'll generate random events, and he doesn't care if they make a story of triumph or utter hopelessness. It's all drama to him. Randy Random, is a wild storyteller whose main characteristic is triggering challenges at any time, to the extent of launching several dangerous threats all at the same time or consecutively.

    What are storytellers in RimWorld? ›

    The AI storyteller is the main mechanism used to determine game difficulty and play style. There are currently three presets for narrative settings. Each preset features different raid frequencies and an eponymous cartoon mascot.

    What is the most profitable business RimWorld? ›

    Corn is the best crop for both human food/work and cash/work. It is actually more profitable per unit work than any crop in the game, including every drug. However, it cannot be processed any further, meaning it is reliant entirely on the grow cycle.

    Does age matter in RimWorld? ›

    Biologically older characters will tend to have higher skills, developed by experience. They may also have gray hair and age-related health difficulties such as cataracts, a bad back, dementia, or frailty.

    What age is considered an adult in RimWorld? ›

    And, teens retain a small penalty to work speed and body size until they reach 18, where they become full adults and all penalties are removed.

    Does RimWorld get progressively harder? ›

    Getting the balance right is a big part of Rimworld. Depends on the story teller you chose. If you choose phoebe or cassandra, your game will gradually get more and more difficult. But even then almost always the raids or events will be at the level you're at.

    What age is romance RimWorld for? ›

    For any pawns over 16, the Social tab will have a "Romance..." button that allows the player to try instigating a romantic relationship between that pawn and another of the gender they're attracted to.

    Is Randy or Cassandra harder? ›

    Many players find Cassandra to be more difficult than Randy, since her raids are consistent and more frequent (on average). While Randy is often quiet for months or even years at a time, Cassandra is forced to send major threats on a semi-regular basis.

    What is the colonist limit in RimWorld Cassandra? ›

    There is a 'soft cap' for each story teller where they will stop sending you colonists and it will be harder to get new colonists, that's around 20 for Cassy and Phoebe, and around 40 for Randy.

    What is population intent RimWorld storyteller? ›

    PopulationIntent is the mechanic describing how strongly the Storyteller is trying to give the player an opportunity for another Colonist. PopulationIntent has two major factors which can be generally understood as current population and time since last colonist joined.

    What is the best storyteller RimWorld for beginners? ›

    Your chosen storyteller will determine the random events that take place. Go for Phoebe Chillax for your first game. Phoebe will give you plenty of time to prepare and recover from disasters. As for the difficulty, go for Community builder or Adventure Story for a reasonable challenge.

    What are slaves for in RimWorld? ›

    Slavery in base game RimWorld is limited only to selling prisoners for profit, with no other use. The Ideology DLC significantly expands on the concept, allowing prisoners to be enslaved and forced to work and perform tasks.

    What are glitterworld RimWorld? ›

    Glitterworlds: these are high-tech planets with advanced society and culture. They are the most idyllic and sought-after locations for space travelers to settle, and have low rates of crime, poverty and unemployment. Glitterworlds export many products, of which several are notable in the game.

    What is the best RimWorld starter? ›

    When setting up your playthrough, the original Crashlanded scenario is your best choice. It will give you three colonists and a generous amount of initial supplies to help you survive. Your chosen storyteller will determine the random events that take place. Go for Phoebe Chillax for your first game.

    What is the best starting location for beginners RimWorld? ›

    Try between latitude 20 and 30 or so - too far south, near the equator, will be brutally hot very soon (summer), and too far north will have unforgiving winters. You will also want to pay attention to the terrain type. Terrain goes from Flat, Small Hills, Large Hills, and Mountain.

    What is the best research to start RimWorld? ›

    Well, since it will provide you with a constant source of electricity, it is much better than solar panels. This is why, by far, the best thing to research in RimWorld, at the start of the game is the Battery or the Watermill generator.

    What should I make first RimWorld? ›

    1. Build a big living room, you can put your beds in there for a while, a table with chairs too.
    2. Grow crops (usually rice), make a butcher's table, set a bill to always butcher dead animals, and make a cooking table with simple meals and fine meals on higher priority (if you have a good enough cook for fine)
    Jan 25, 2024


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    Article information

    Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5627

    Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

    Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

    Birthday: 1996-01-14

    Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

    Phone: +3571286597580

    Job: Product Banking Analyst

    Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

    Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.